x: designates the basic number of chromosome sets cyto >>> basic number
xanthophyll: yellowish-brownish (oxygen-containing) carotinoids occurring in the chloroplasts (e.g., the lutein of leaves) bot
X chromosome: a sex chromosome found in a double dose in the homogametic sex and in a single dose in the heterogametic sex cyto
a situation in which the genotype of the pollen influences the developing embryo of the maternal tissue (endosperm) of the fruit to produce an observable effect on the seed bot
xenogamy (cross-pollination): intercrossing between flowers of different individuals, as opposed to geitonogamy bot
xenotransplant: the implantation of an organ or limb from one species to another organism in a different species hort >>> heterograft
xeric: dry bot
xerograft >>> heterograft
xerophyte: a drought-resistant plant or plants that grow in extremely dry areas bot
xerophytic: growing on dry conditions bot
X rays:
electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths in the range of approximately 0.1-10 nm, between ultraviolet radiation and gamma-rays, and capable of penetrating solids meth
Xta >>> chiasma
xylan: a polysaccharide of xylose and a component of hemicellulose phys
xylem: a plant tissue consisting of various types of cells that transports water and dissolved substances toward the leaves bot
xylene >>> xylol
xylol: a liquid solvent prep >>> refraction index
xylose: an aldopentose sugar that is commonly found in plants and especially in woody tissue chem phys