Logo Plant Breeding 2019

Seeds can be obtained by contacting the author:

400     wheat-rye subst. 5RL(5A) Ungarn 205/70

1       Zingeria

2       oat A. strigosa

3       oat A. strigosa

4       wheat-Haynaldia amphiploid

5       wheat-Aegilops sharonensis subst. 4S(4A)

6       triticale, RRAABBDD

7       wheat-Aegilops umbellulata recomb. 1A/1U

8       wheat-Agropyron amphiploid

9       wheat-Agropyron intermedium add. L2

410   wheat-Agropyron intermedium add. L4

1       wheat-Agropyron intermedium add. L7

2       rye, Petkuser

3       wheat-Agropyron intermedium add. L1

4       wheat-Agropyron intermedium add. L3

5       wheat-Agropyron intermedium add. L5

6       wheat, Chinese Spring

7       wheat-rye amphiploid, Pluto-Fakon, RABD

8       wheat-Aegilops amphiploid

9       wheat-Aegilops umbellulata add. 1U

420   wheat, Vilmorin 27

1       wheat-Aegilops sharonensis add. 4Sl

2       rye, 4x wheat introgression

3       wheat, reci mono 2A

4       wheat, reci mono 2A

5       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1AL

6       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1AS

7       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 2AL/S

8       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 2AS

9       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3AL

430   wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3AS

1       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 4AL

2       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 4AS/L

3       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 5AL

4       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 5AS/L

5       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6AL

6       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6AS

7       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7AL

8       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7AS

9       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1BL

440   wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1BS

1       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 2BL

2       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 2BS/L

3       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3BL

4       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3BS

5       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 4BL/S

6       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 4BS

7       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 5BL

8       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 5BS/L

9       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6BL

450   wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6BS

1       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7BL

2       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7BS

3       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1DL

4       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1DS

5       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 2DL

6       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 2DS

7       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3DL

8       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3DS

9       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 4DL

460   wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 4DS

1       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 5DL

2       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 5DS/L

3       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6DL

4       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6DS

5       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 7D/4S

6       wheat, Chinese Spring di-monotelo 7DS/L

7       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 1A/1B

8       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 1A/1D

9       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 1B/1A

470   wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 1B/1D

1       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 1D/1A

2       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 1D/1B

3       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 2A/2B

4       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 2A/2D

5       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 2B/2A

6       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 2B/2D

7       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 2D/2A

8       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 2D/2B

9       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 3A/3B

480   wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 3A/3D

1       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 3B/3A

2       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 3B/3D

3       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 3D/3A

4       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 3D/3B

5       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 4A/4B

6       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 4A/4D

7       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 4B/4A

8       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 4B/4D

9       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 4D/4A

490   wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 4D/4B

1       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 5A/5B

2       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 5A/5D

3       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 5B/5A

4       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 5B/5D

5       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 5D/5A

6       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 5D/5B

7       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 6A/6B

8       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 6A/6D

9      wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 6B/6A

500   wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 6B/6D

1       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 6D/6A

2       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 6D/6B

3       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 7A/7B

4       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 7A/7D

5       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 7B/7A

6       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 7B/7D

7       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 7D/7A

8       wheat, Chinese Spring nulli-tetra 7D/7B

9       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 1AL

510   wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 2AS

1       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 4AL

2       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 5AL

3       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 6AS

4       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 2BL

5       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 4BS

6       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 5BL

7       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 6BL

8       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 7BL

9       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 5DL

520   wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 6DS

1       wheat, Chinese Spring monoiso 7DS

2       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 1A

3       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 2A

4       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 3A

5       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 4A

6       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 5A

7       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 6A

8       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 7A

9       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 1B

530   wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 2B

1       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 3B

2       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 4B

3       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 5B

4       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 6B

5       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 7B

6       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 1D

7       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 2D

8       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 3D

9       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 4D

540   wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 5D

1       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 6D

2       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 7D

3       wheat, Chinese Spring, ph mutant

4       wheat, Chinese Spring, ph mutant

5       oat, Bulwark

6       oat, Ky 77-177

7       oat, 82-64Cn4/1/2

8       oat, Ky 78-443

9       oat, 85-62Cn III/5

550   oat, 85-60Cn III/1/2

1       oat, 85-60Cn III/2

2       oat, Solva

3       oat, 85-62Cn III/1/1

4       oat, 81-87Cn 15

5       oat, 81-87Cn W/14

6       oat, 83-48Cn 2

7       rye, Secale africanum

8       barley, Hordeum halophilum

9       barley-rye hybrid, S. africanum x H. halophilum

560   wheat, Strain C591-2

1       wheat, Chilei dwarf

2       wheat, Krasnodari dwarf

3       wheat, Apollo

4       wheat, Besostaja 1 x Lerma rojo F1

5       wheat-rye transl., AUS 90625

6       wheat, Mironowskaja 808 mono 2B

7       wheat, Mironowskaja 808 mono 2D

8       wheat, Mironowskaja 808 mono 2A  

9       wheat, Mironowskaja 808 mono 5B

570   wheat, Mironowskaja 808 mono 5D

1       wheat, Mironowskaja 808

2       wheat, Rannaya mono 2A

3       wheat, Rannaya mono 2A

4       wheat, Rannaya mono 2D  

5       wheat, Rannaya mono 5A

6       wheat, Rannaya mono 5B

7       wheat, Rannaya mono 5D

8       wheat, Rannaya 12

9       wheat, Mv8 mono 4D

580   wheat, Mv8 mono 4D

1       wheat, Mv8 mono 4D

2       wheat, Mv 8

3       wheat, Maris Fundin

4       wheat, Mv8 mono 5A

5       wheat, Svalöfs Rubin  

6       wheat, Wiebes Weinweizen

7       wheat, Concorde

8       wheat, Poppelsdorfer Begrannter Dickkopf

9       wheat, Rastatter Roter Breisgauer

590   wheat, Ohio 14656

1       wheat, Triticum durum

2       wheat, Lawrence

3       wheat, Avon

4       wheat, Saline

5       wheat, Falco

6       wheat, El Gaucho

7       wheat, Torre

8       wheat, Africa-Mayo

9       wheat, Czin-Bah-Czuj

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