Logo Plant Breeding 2019

Seeds can be obtained by contacting the author:

300   wheat, Carlotta Strampelli

1       wheat, Dippes Dickkopf 9

2       wheat, Egyptian

3       wheat, Japanischer Weisser

4       wheat, Roter Igel

5       wheat, Ungarischer  Winterweizen

6       triticale

7       triticale

8       wheat, Loosdorfer Bart

9       wheat, Purple Straw Tuscon

310   triticale

1       triticale

2       triticale

3       triticale

4       triticale

5       triticale

6       triticale

7       triticale

8       triticale

9       triticale

320   triticale

1       triticale

2       triticale

3       triticale

4       triticale

5       triticale

6       triticale

7       triticale

8       triticale

9       wheat, reci mono 2A

330     wheat, reci mono 2A

1       wheat, reci mono 2A

2       wheat, reci mono 2A

3       wheat, reci mono 2A

4       wheat, reci mono 2A

5       wheat, reci mono 2A

6       wheat, reci mono 2A

7       triticale  

8       triticale

9       triticale

340   triticale

1       triticale

2       triticale

3       triticale

4       triticale

5       wheat, reci mono 2A

6       wheat, reci mono 2A

7       wheat, reci mono 2A

8       wheat, reci mono 2A

9       wheat, reci mono 2A

350   wheat, reci mono 2A

1       wheat, reci mono 2A

2       wheat, reci mono 2A

3       wheat, reci mono 2A

4       triticale

5       triticale

6       triticale

7       triticale

8       triticale

9       triticale   

360     barley, Betzes

1       rye, I-Linie, standard

2       wheat-Agropyron addition

3       triticale, AD 122

4       triticale

5       wheat-Aegilops amphiploid  

6       rye, haploid, Petka  

7       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1AS

8       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1AL

9       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 1DS 

370   wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 2BL

1       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 2DS

2       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3BS

3       rye, Petkuser

4       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 3BL

5       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 4Abeta

6       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 5AL

7       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 5BS

8       wheat, Gabo ditelo 5DS  

9       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6AS

380   wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6AL

1       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6BS

2       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 6BL

3       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7AS

4       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7AL

5       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7BS

6       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7BL

7       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7DS

8       wheat, Chinese Spring ditelo 7DL

9       wheat, Chinese Spring double-ditelo 7D

390  wheat-rye add. 3R

1       triticale

2       wheat, Holdfast

3       wheat, Borenos

4       wheat, Chinese Spring

5       wheat-Aegilops sharonensis add. 4Sl L

6       wheat-rye transl. 1B/1R TAW

7       wheat-rye transl. 1B/1R TAW

8       wheat-rye transl. 1B/1R TAW

9       wheat-rye subst. 5R(4A) Blaukorn

200     rye trisomic 5R

1       rye trisomic 6R

2       wheat-Agropyron subst.

3       wheat, Bersee iso Rht1+Rht2

4       wheat-barley add. 1H

5       wheat-barley add. 2H

6       wheat-barley add. 3H

7       wheat-barley add. 4H

8       wheat-barley add. 6H

9       wheat-barley add. 7H

210   wheat, Chinese Spring, CE3

1       wheat, Bersee iso Rht3

2       wheat, Poros

3       wheat, Carola

4       wheat, Bersee iso Rht2+Rht3

5       wheat, reci mono 2A

6       wheat, reci mono 2A

7       wheat, reci mono 2A

8       wheat, reci mono 2A

9       wheat, reci mono 2A

220   wheat, Karcagi

1       wheat, Orlandi

2       wheat, Fengshou 1

3       wheat, Cza-Se-Zu-Mej

4       wheat, Faktor

5       wheat, Rinaldo

6       wheat, Alcedo

7       wheat, reci mono 2A  

8       wheat, Maris Mardler

9       wheat, Ai-bian 1, Rht10

230   wheat, Fakon

1       wheat, reci mono 2A

2       wheat, Milturum 553

3       wheat, Grekum 114

4       wheat, reci mono 2A

5       wheat, reci mono 2A

6       wheat, reci mono 2A

7       wheat, reci mono 2A

8       wheat, Arkan

9       wheat, Clarks Cream

240   wheat, Probus

1       wheat, Probus mutant

2       wheat, Maris Huntsman

3       wheat, Maris Huntsman mutant

4       wheat, Saratovskaja 29

5       wheat-rye subst. 1R(1B)  Saratovskja

6       wheat-rye transl., 4AL/5RL, Cornell

7       wheat-rye transl. 4A/5RL Ungarn 205-70

8       wheat, Viking

9       wheat-rye transl. 4A/5RL Viking

250   wheat-rye transl. 1B/1R Kavkaz

1       wheat-rye transl. 1A/1R Amigo

2       wheat-rye transl. 1A/CRL

3       wheat-rye transl. 4AL/7RS

4       wheat-rye transl. 7B/4R

5       wheat-Agropyron subst.

6       wheat-rye subst. 1R(1B)  Lovrin 12

7       wheat, Fakir mutant

8       wheat, Banatka Kresowa

9       wheat, Canberra

260   wheat-Aegilops ovata recomb.

1       wheat-Thinopryrum add. 4J   

2       rye, S. montanum

3       rye, S. silvestre

4       rye, S. silvestre 4x

5       rye, S. ancestrale

6       rye, S. vavilovii

7       rye, S. segetale

8       rye, S. africanum

9       rye, S. kuprijanovii

270   rye, Epos

1       wheat-rye transl. 1A/1R

2       rye, Imperial

3       rye, Esto

4       rye, Danae

5       barley, Hordeum bulbosum

6       rye, Beka

7       rye, synth.

8       rye, Janos

9       rye, Moskovski karlik

280   rye, EM1

1       rye, Pluto

2       rye, Mutante Krueger

3       rye, Charito

4       rye, cleistog.

5       rye, Petka

6       rye, JNK

7       rye, JNK

8       rye, F2 ExV

9       wheat, reci mono 2A

290   wheat, reci mono 2A

1       triticale

2       triticale

3       triticale

4       triticale

5       triticale SR

6       triticale

7       triticale

8       triticale

9       triticale

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