rye - Roggen m agr, Secale cereale (Gramineae), spikes showing hard, black sclerotia of the fungus (Claviceps purpurea), which replace the ovaries, i.e.,
the grain in the spikelet of an infected plant
cardoon - Kardone, Cardy, Spanische Artischocke f hort, Cynara cardunculus (Compositae)
liquorice - Süssholz m, Lakritzpflanze f hort, Glycyrhiza glabra (Leguminosae)
skirret - Zuckerwurzel f hort, Sisum sisarum (Umbelliferae)
jojoba - Jojoba f hort, Simmondsia chinensis (Simmondsiaceae)
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